Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Lazy clients

4 a.m.
My cell phone ringed like the world was about to end.
mshrpp, bvv, rrrbbb, Shit ! _I say.
I picked up the phone, saw what time was it and answered it.
_At Last ! _said a voice on the other end of the phone_ I thought that you were never going to answer that fucking phone ! ( a lot of words that I failed to understand). Fuck !
_Ok...The connection is very bad, Speak slower.
A ton of giberish on the phone.
_I don't understand. I'm going to hang up and call you back.
Dooon't you fucking han..._   click.
I got up, and cheked the phone to see the number that was calling me. One of my few clients in the US.
I usually don't give my cell phone number to any client, but  considering what he was paying me I made an exception.
Briiiing !
The cell phone ranged again.
I answered.
_Hello (insert whatever name you want here).
_Don't you ever fucking_
Click. I wasn't in the mood to hear him shouting.
Called him
_Hello (name).
_Did you just hang up on me ?_he asked in a puzzled voice.
_I will do it again if you don't stop shouting. Is that clear?
He spat the word like he was choking on it_ Yes.
_Yes what ?
_ I will stop shouting.
I coul feel him trembling with rage, fuming from the other side of the world.
_Ok. Now explain me s-l-o-w-l-y what is the problem.
_The fucking rings aren't working !!!
I had two identical gold rings made for him, and they had been seriously consecrated and blessed. In his line of work he needed some serious protection, so the idea was to use one of the rings one week, then use the other and let the ring that he took of to rest in water with salt the next week. That way every week one of the rings would be clean, rested and eager to protect him.
_Have you been cleaning the rings like I told you to ?
I picked up my pendulum. The answer was NO.
For how long ? Two weeks? No.
Three weeks? No.
Four weeks? No.
Five weeks? No...
More than five weeks but less than six ? Yes.
_Fucking say something. I want my money back.
_Sure, I'll give you your money back, but first you'll have to clean the rings, and you haven't done it in more than 5 weeks.
_(name), you are talking to me. You can lie you ass out but you can't lie to me.
Click. He hanged up.

I wen't to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee, decided to drink it iced, and consulted the pendulum again.
Is any of the rings still able to offer him some degree of protection, however small ? yes.
His he using it ? no.
The phone rang.

_Hello (name).
_I am sorry.
_You should be.
_I'm all fucked up...
_Take the ring that you're wearing and put it in salt and water for one day. Use the other. After a day, put the other ring to rest and clean in salt and water for two days. Use again the one you're wearing. Keep increasing the rest and clean up period of the rings for a day until both get one week of rest.

_It is 04 30 a.m. You'll have to pay my emergency fee. Transfer 80 dollars to my account first thing in the morning.

_Oh (name), one more thing.
_Shoot_  he said.
_If you ever dare to call me again at 4 a.m. without a very good reason, you won't like it. Instead of crapping blood, you'll be crapping something else.
_How do you know i'm crapping blo_
Click. I hanged up and went to bed.
Perhaps I could still sleep for an hour.

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