Saturday 5 October 2013

We're under attack !!!

As usual the world is full of people that would be perfectly happy if magicians, witches  and sorcerers would simply crawl under a rock and die.

We’re used to it. We brush them aside like a bad dream and keep on with our lives.  And they get back again and again and again like a cockroach in zombie nightmare.

The last and more insidious attack was done by Mr. David Cameron, UK’s Prime Minister.

It is an internet filter, that prevents access to everything that is even remotely esoteric.

There are already reports of people that can’t even access their own webpages.

For thousands of small businesses (Reiki healers, acupuncture therapists, herbalists, or something that the filter considers esoteric) that depend on the internet for their livelihood it is a death blow.

So, I am asking whoever reads this to sign the petition against it.

And to those of you that are my pears in magic I invite you to join me and others and do some magic to make this perversion go away.

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