Sunday, 8 January 2012


"Fever! In the morning
Fever all through the night."*

You have started doing magic long (or not so long) ago. You have managed to have a balanced life, a good job, good health, perhaps a significant other (or others). People consider you lucky and some of you "luck" seems to rub on you friends and family. You're not a mystic, but rather someone that brings change to the world.
You have a good life and there isn't much that you want or need. You don't need to do much to maintain your life as it is.
And then it starts.
A longing. A desire. Something nagging you.
You're balanced and don't let people see that there is something worrying you, something you can't define.
You check and recheck our shields, traps and other defenses, and create a few new ones. You do divinations and give offerings and every pendulum and spirit says that nothing is after you.
The unrest deepens.
You  do a major working to get answers, and the only advice you are given is to do what you love.

Do what you love... what you love...

Slowly they start to show up in your life, like moths around a flame. People that need help. And you help them. You help one, and another and another, and you realize that you have never been so happy. You are doing magic, a lot of magic, you are doing what you love.

*music Fever, sung by Peggy Lee

1 comment:

  1. This v. much describes my headspace lately thank you for sharing!
